Although very unique in nature, human organism can not synthesize one of the most important vitamins for proper growth, the one and only vitamin C. Unlike most animals which produce their own vitamin C, man gets it from food. But each of us must be aware of the fact that vitamin and mineral nutritious supplements cannot maintain our health by itself. We should have in our daily meals fresh and raw foods like fruits and vegetables, vegetable juices, cranberries, carrots and so on. vitamin c
The first symptoms of vitamin C insufficiency are fatigue, weakness, irritability, muscle and joint pain with unclear origin. Later on it appears scurvy expressed in muscle pain in the limbs, gums and skin bleeding, slowly healing wounds, acute infections, which often become chronic. There are not rare problems with liver and kidney, premature aging, dry and peeling skin. Vitamin C insufficiency may cause arthritis, diabetis, anemia, anxiety, allergies of different nature, constant headaches. vitamin c, healthy living
When do I need to think about whether taking enough vitamin C? Just answer next questions:healthy living
1. If you do not like vegetables or not consume them fresh.
2. If you are in physical or emotional stress.
3. If you sport actively and bear greater loads therefore you have an increased need for vitamin C.
4. If you are in bodybuilding, fitness, weight lifting, boxing; running, marathon.health, healthy living
5. If you eat semi-cooked food a lot.
6. If you are a smoker. With each cigarette you smoke, you lose 10 to 30 mg vitamin C.
7. If you are an alcohol lover and you drink a lot.
8. If you take often aspirin, contraceptives.
9. During pregnancy. healthy living
10. If you suffer from allergies, dermatitis, common infectious diseases. vitamin c, health, healthy living, vitamins
So the crucial answer to all these questions is JUST TAKE MORE VITAMIN C first from fresh and raw fruits and vegetables and then by nutritious supplements.