Showing posts with label Coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coffee. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Coffee Protects Women From Heart Attack


Regular drinking of coffee keeps woman's heart healthy and contribute to increasing life expectancy, according to Swedish researchers.

The experiment involved 34,670 females aged between 49 and 83 years old whose health was monitored  for 10 years by those scientists.

The results suggest that women who drink at an average of one cup of caffeinated drinks a day were subjected to 25% lower risk of heart attack.

The positive effect of coffee is due to the fact that its constituents control the level of insulin in the female body and reduce oxidation processes caused by free radicals.

So the conclusion should be: Drink at least one cup of coffee per day!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Coffee - the good and the bad things about it

Image by Ivailo Popov

Almost every man on earth drinks coffee. The cafes on the street are full of people drinking coffee. Also in almost every family there is a coffee maker or at least a packet of coffee. It has become a staple of life.

But is coffee good or bad for you? In my opinion it depends on who you ask.

As in all things, you have to drink coffee moderately. A cup or two a day isn't going to do harm to you. But if you drink a whole pot every single day, it will definitely have an effect on you.

Now I will reveal to you the good and the bad things about the coffee. Lets' start with the benefits of drinking it.

It prevents some diseases of our time:
It reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, Parkinson's disease, diabetis and gout. It is due to the caffeine content of coffee or the antioxidants in it, as it is known that coffee is the no. 1 source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances in food which could prevent or slow oxidative damage to human body.

Alertness and mood:
The caffeine content in coffee could increase the speed of rapid information processing by 10%. A cup of coffee after lunch helps to counteract the normal 'post lunch dip' in ability to keep concentration and alertness.

Depression and Anxiety:
The coffee and its caffeine content can reduce depression and anxiety if you drink it moderately. It also improves vigilance and concentration, and lowers fatigue. But if you drink too much coffee per day it could raise stress levels.

It is a good social drink:
A cup of coffee could be a very good reason to go out and meet new people, or just hang out with friends.

And here are some bad effects coffee can have on you:

Bad breath:
Have you ever had a whiff of the breath of someone who drinks coffee too much? It smells horrible. So do not go too far with the coffee, unless you want to have that bad breath.

Coffee causes stained teeth:
We all know that cigarettes and coffee causes this to our teeth. If you do not want to have this kind of problem, the best option is not buying some things for whitening your teeth, but just drink less coffee.

Stomach problems:
People who drink too much coffee may suffer some stomach problems. The caffeine irritates the lining of your stomach.

It could effect the little guys swimming in your semen. It also could lower the quantity of your sperm. I know that it may sound too weird to you, but it is true.

So, if you do not want to suffer these bad effects of the coffee, but only the good ones, just do not overdo it and drink one or two cups of coffee a day.