Showing posts with label home made medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home made medicine. Show all posts

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The power of home made medicine

Your head is aching and you don't wanna take the same pill again.
Your stomach is feeling like a ball and you don't wanna go to the drug-store.
Your skin is inflamed and you don't know what to do for it.

Of course there is lots of pills, creams, lotions that you can find in the drug-store but first of all they cost lots of money and secondly they could help you with your currently problem but it could react negatively on some other part of your body. And this is because all these pills, creams, antibiotics, etc.. they are all chemistry and nothing else. And by taking them you put this chemistry into you body and affect you liver.

There is a better solution for your health problems - the old home made medicine methods.

For example you have fever. What would you do?
There are some home made remedies for it. For instance:
- Try a cold bath instead of taking Aspirin
- Drink as much water as you could. It is recommended to be distilled.
- Avoid eating solid food. You can drink juices or water instead.
- ... there could be plenty of home made remedies like these. It's up to you to find the right ones.

Let me give you one more example. You are suffering of hair loss. And you are wondering what to do? Here are some remedies for you:
- Once a week rinse your hair with apple vinegar and sage tea.
- Rinse you hair with infusion of nettles or take it internally for some period of time.
- Use Ginkgo Biloba to improve the blood circulation of the scalp.
- ... there are lots of other home made remedies like those. And they are really helpful and cheap.

I found this great site with loads of information in it for different problems - from the dog bite, through stress, to diabetes and frigidity. It's awesome. There are so helpful home made tricks and remedies there. It's mandatory that you check it - Home made remedies.