Showing posts with label Clear Skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clear Skin. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Health Benefits of Grapefruit


As a citrus fruit, grapefruit is full of vitamin C, although this is not the only one benefit that you can enjoy eating or drinking grapefruit (juice). Grapefruit has other very important benefits for your health. Please find some of them below:

1. Grapefruit Helps in Preventing Cancer

The pigment responsible for the grapefruit's red color is Lycopene, which is the powerful agent preventing you from tumors and cancers. It works best with vitamins A and C - found also in the fruit. There is another antioxidant compound in grapefruit helping damaged DNA repair in prostate cancer cells and it is called Naringenin. DNA repair contributes to cancer prevention as it obstructs the cancer cells' reproduction.

2. Grapefruit Helps in Losing Weight

Grapefruit has a great combination of three main characteristics which make it the perfect food for increasing your body’s metabolism. These are: high water content, special enzymes burning fats and less sodium. Thanks to them, by drinking a cup of grapefruit juice or eating grapefruit every day, you will notice very quickly losing some extra pounds.

3. Grapefruit Helps in Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Full of antioxidants, grapefruit helps you lower your cholesterol levels. But have in mind if you are on prescription drugs, do not eat/drink grapefruit daily. This is due to the fact that grapefruit has a negative reaction against many prescription drugs. For example:  those for treating depression, seizures, high blood pressure, impotence, allergies, heart palpitations and HIV. If you take medication for any of these, please inform your physician in order to eat grapefruit on a daily basis.

4. Grapefruit Helps in Preventing Arthritis

The salicylic acid contained in grapefruit helps break down your body’s inorganic calcium, which on the other hand piles up in the cartilage of joints and may cause arthritis. In order to avoid arthritis or even if you already have one, try drinking grapefruit juice with apple cider vinegar every day. This will reduce your arthritis symptoms and will feel much better.

5. Grapefruit Works as an Antiseptic

The same salicylic acid, which helps in preventing arthritis, also works as a powerful antiseptic. For example, an extract from grapefruit seed can be added to water in order to make an antiseptic spray for treating bacterial and fungal infections.

6. Grapefruit Helps in Treating Common Ailments

Eating grapefruit will help you treat common ailments such as cold and fever, boost liver function, dissolve gallstones, and increase immunity against infections. In addition, if you want to have a clear skin, include grapefruit in your daily routine.

The grapefruit's benefits do not end here. It also contains essential elements for your healthy living: iron, potassium, manganese, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, phosphorus and B vitamins. So try drinking a cup of fresh grapefruit every day and you will feel just fine.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Acne - true or false?!

Sun always works good on acne. False! Sun can be one of the reason pimples to increase some weeks after the sun-baths. So if your condition in October worsens that is because of summer sun.

Eating chips, chocolate, soft drinks and other foods may cause acne. False! But do not go too far with this.

Bad hygiene causes spots. False! Having acne does not mean that you have a dirty face. But if you washes your face too frequently, it may worsens acne and make your skin too sensitive to some anti acne products.

Make-up causes pimples. False! But it is recommended that you use oil free make-up.

Too much or too little sex may cause acne or make it worse. False! Absolutely myths!

Acne will fade on its own. False! You have to do something about it. There are so many effective products on the market.

Acne may be caused by skin contact. False! Spots are not contagious.

Stress make acne worse. Probably true! Calm way of life always has a positive effect on acne treatment.

Drinking milk a lot can make acne worse. Probably true! Although milk is very healthy it really may worsens spots, at least for women.

Premenstrual period worsens pimples. True! Lots of women see that their faces are worse some days before monthly period.

Acne may be inherited from parents. True! You may get spots if one of your parents had them before.

Acne is caused by bacteria. True! When skin pores become plugged, acne bacteria starts growing and causes blemishes and pimples.

These were some real facts and myths about acne. I hope they were useful to you if you did not know them.
You can try the new Acnope cream for better results. It is 100% natural, safe and effective.


Friday, July 20, 2007

"I want to have a clear, beautiful skin..."

"I want to have a clear, beautiful skin with no pimples, acne or blackheads " - you can hear this from almost every young girl nowadays. Acne can be called the disaster of the 21st century.
Noone could tell what is the one and only right reason it develops- but most dermatologists say that it appears because of hormones, bacteria, inflammation, extra sebum, etc.

Unfortunately, this is a very tough problem - dealing with the pimples. Moreover there are different types of acne and you should try to find out the type and severity of your condition. So that you could find the right products for your skin.

But there is always a way out! These days there are many kinds of acne treatment - pills, cremes, lotions, cleansers and so on. It's just a matter of choice which one you will use.

Good luck to everyone having this problem!
