We all know that men are even more foppish than women. One of the most important things for them is to have a big penis and to be good in bed.
Nowadays there are many ways of increasing the penis size: for example -
pills and
penis enlargement surgery has grown in popularity over the last decade. However, some distinguished organizations such as the American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons consider that the penis enlargement surgery is high risky. They announce also that the safety and effectiveness of the procedures have not yet been fully proven.
If men go under the knife because they want bigger penis, after the surgery they would have to use a penis enlargement device for some months to achieve a permanent increase in size. So does it make sense to be operated if a penis enlargement extender will be used afterwards? The whole procedure may cause a scar tissue and the erection may point down.
Some other methods for getting the desired big size is by taking
pills. Some people think that pills can make your penis bigger in just a few weeks! But do they really work? There are some types of pills now on the market, but the result of them is not not lasting long. At least these I know.
So, the last method to enlarge your penis is using a
penis stretcher. These extender devices are safe and they work. They have been proven excellent in stretching body parts for thousands of years. But lots of men don't want only gaining length, but gaining girth as well. If you are among these men, then you will be happy to understand that some stretchers on the market now work both ways. So after using a penis extender the result will be longer, bigger and harder erections.
This may be the best chance you will ever have to
enlarge your penis and rid yourself of insecurity and low self-esteem about its size.
So when you want to get one of those stretchers, try to do your researches thoroughly and only buy superior devices that come with a whole package of instructions and exercises. This way you will be sure that you will achieve your goal.
Don't lose any time and join the millions who have already begun to enlarge their penis? To discover a clinically proven way to enlarge your penis, visit
SizeGenetics page.