In this world, where we could put on weight because of so many things like - too much and of poor quality food, lack of sleep, stress and depression, less exercise and etc. - the good news is that by changing some small details at home it could help us become thinner
- Turn the light on! Scientists from the Californian University say that low light suppresses the appetite and stimulates other activities. So when you are going to eat, switch all the lamps on, they say. The strong light stimulates burning fats and calori
- Eat from blue dishes. A research shows that the blue colour suppresses the appetite. So when you make the table, put on it blue plates and blue napkins.
- Use smaller plates and decrease the portions.
- Pastel colours calms people. When they are under stress they put on weight. So to avoid this, you should paint the walls in pastel colours or put on the sofa pastel- coloured pillows.
- Use lavender oil for sound sleep. Lack of sleep at night decreases the burning of fats , so put some drops of lavender oil on your pillow and this will help you sleep deep.
- Use mirrors in your home to activate your body and get it moving!
- Give your big-sized clothes away and buy some new clothes which are smaller size.