20 tricks to being slim
- Just miss the dessert when you have your dinner.

- Drink 1-2 glasses of water before you are going to eat. They suppresses appetite.
- Do not eat paste products, fat cheese and wine for a couple of days.
- At lunch instead of a hamburger, take a yoghurt.
- If you feel that you become fat, make a protein diet for two days - white chicken meat, boiled eggs or fish without garnish.
- Eat from small dishes. But do not serve over again.
- Half an hour before you are going to eat, take a pill, which suppresses appetite.
- You have decided to go to a restaurant. Great! But only if you wear a really tight skirt.
- The first thing you should do when you sit at the table is to take away the tray with bread.
- On the refrigerator put a picture of you where you look slim and beautiful.
- When you use the bus, get out of it one stop before yours and just walk.
- Do not use the elevator very often.
- Put the fork and knife down after every bite. This way you will chew the food better and will feel satisfied with less food.
- Start the dinner with a cup of soup. The vegetable one is really effective.
- Instead of aperitif, drink a glass of mineral water. During your dinner, go on drinking water.
- Throw away everything in your house that could allures you - chocolate, soft drinks, biscuits...etc.
- When you cook, prepare the food without any fat.
- Keep vegetables around you. So that you could beguile your hunger with them.
- To take the edge off your appetite eat one boiled egg before dinner.
- Eat rice, vegetables and fish like the chinese - with chopsticks. This way you are going to eat little.

wow some of these are really really stupid, like "take a pill" and "eat like the Chinese".
You only need one trick to be slim, expend more energy than you eat.
Yeah, you may be right! :) As for the stupid things..I just wrote down what the specialists say..:)
Thanks for the tips!
some of the tips sounds funny :P
great tips
weight loss pills
some of the tricks are really funny..
but it works..
thx for sharing..
Good Day!!! nicebodies.blogspot.com is one of the best innovative websites of its kind. I take advantage of reading it every day. Keep it that way.
good ones! thanks for sharing! :)
Not Bad! But some of the tips mentioned are really stupid and not so helpful. If you want some helpful tips about how to look slim then you can check this out http://www.batchmates.com/bmtimes/CatwiseCont.aspx?secid=9&subcategoryid=27
ooooh........i feel like i already have become slim after going though this endless cornucopia......jfi.....
Would this really work???I donot hope so.....such stupid thoughts..There should be something effective such as go for walk etc etc...
i will try to became slim
Good day,seriously i luv dis tips am going to work on them tnx 2 u all and i'll let u knw my feedback
There are a few diet pills which suppress appetite REALLY good. And if taken wisely, they are generally safe. Go find a bodybuilding community and ask, they will just confirm what I said.
I really appreciate the tips.. Tnx
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